Calamitas' ShadowFalse Witch
Type | Boss |
Environment | Surface |
Life | 96,850 (net total): 76,250 (The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas) + 20,600 (The Forgotten Brothers) |
KB resist | 100% |
Coins | 40 ![]() |
The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas is a Hardmode boss who replaces the Calamitas Clone.
- 1 Spawn
- 2 Bosses
- 3 Behavior
- 4 Hex Mechanics
- 5 Aftermath
- 6 Tips
- 7 Achievement
- 8 Trivia
The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas does not spawn on her own, and requires the player to summon her by using an Eye of Desolation at night.
Forgotten Shadow of CalamitasFalse Witch
Life | 76,250 / 76,250 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Map icon
Forgotten Shadow of Cataclysm
Life | 20,600 / 20,600 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Forgotten Shadow of Catastrophe
Life | 20,600 / 20,600 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Map icon
Forgotten Shadow of CalamitasPhase One
Life | 76,250 / 76,250 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Map icon
The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas spawns in, briefly static. It applies one of four hexes on the player semi-randomly throughout this phase.
The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas cycles through the following attacks consecutively:
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas raises its wand and channels a bolt of lightning into it. It begins attacking the player immediately after.
- It waves its wand, firing approximately 25 accelerating flames at the player.
- Each wave lasts for 1.25 seconds with a short delay in between.
- Two waves of flames are fired before the Shadow of Calamitas throws the wand itself at the player.
- The wand is telegraphed by a collapsing red aura before it explodes into a circular burst of flames.
Soul Seeker Resurrection
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas holds out Entropy's Vigil and summons 6 Indignant Soul Seekers around the player.
- The Soul Seekers rotate clockwise about the player, each of them firing a flame at the player's position every 0.5 seconds.
- The Soul Seekers fly away after approximately 5.5 seconds.
Flame Beam
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas aims the Entropy's Vigil staff at the player, telegraphed by a faint red line.
- After a moment, it fires a flame beam which tracks the player.
- The beam briefly doesn't deal damage at the start of its casting, allowing the player to potentially escape getting hit by it.
Shadowed Teleports
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas collapses into shadowy mist, and begins teleporting around the player in a clockwise manner.
- Every time it teleports, it fires a spread of 12 flames at them before vanishing again.
- It teleports 6 times before moving on to the next attack.
Brimflame Fireball
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas holds its hands above its head and conjures a massive Brimflame Fireball which shoots out radial waves of accelerating flame bolts.
- The number of flame bolts shot out is directly proportionate to the distance between the player and the Brimflame Fireball. This is also indicated by the player being lit on fire and emitting thick smoke if they move too far away during the attack.
- 6 seconds later, the Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas throws the Brimflame Fireball downwards, causing it to explode and bring down a triangular wave of Brimstone Meteors.
- The Hex of Accentuation will not be applied on the player during this attack in favor of the Hex of Zeal to prevent unreactable hits.
Converging Energy
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas holds out the Lashes of Chaos book and after 0.5 seconds, summons in a 7-armed spiral of converging Shadow Energies.
- It also surrounds itself with a bright red aura that inflicts the player with the Madness debuff if they try to exit it.
- After 4 seconds, the book explodes into two large rings of darts with opposite rotations as the red aura dissipates.
The Forgotten BrothersPhase Two
Life | 20,600 / 20,600 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Map icon
Upon reaching 55% (41,938) health, the Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas briefly goes still and holds its arms out, summoning her brothers before disappearing. It encloses the player in a ring of Soul Seekers which spit Brimstone Darts at the player if they veer outside its border for too long.
The Forgotten Brothers of Calamitas cycle through the following attacks:
Horizontal Slashes
- The Forgotten Brothers of Calamitas move to either side of the player and charge at them, swapping sides each time they do so.
- The Forgotten Shadows of Cataclysm and Catastrophe respectively glow red and blue for a brief moment before charging.
- They move on to the next attack after 3 charges.
Fire and Sword
- The Forgotten Brothers of Calamitas move to either side of the circular ring and hover for a moment before firing out two spreads of projectiles at the player.
- Cataclysm fires out a spread of 5 flames while Catastrophe fires a spread of 3 Brimstone Slashes.
- They stop firing after 4.75 seconds before moving on to the next attack.
Synchronized Blade Uppercut
- The Forgotten Shadow of Catastrophe moves below the player and performs an uppercut towards their position.
- At the peak of the uppercut, it releases a gravity-affect spew of 7 Brimstone Bombs before repositioning.
- The Forgotten Shadow of Cataclysm moves to the side of the player and charges horizontally into them.
- After 3 synchronized dash-uppercuts, the Forgotten Brothers of Calamitas cycle to the next attack.
Forgotten Shadow of CalamitasPhase Two
Life | 41,938 / 76,250 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Map icon
The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas immediately reappears and continues attacking the player. It gains an additional attack and now applies two semi-random hexes on the player instead of one. The Hexes of Zeal and Accentuation will not be applied on the player simultaneously to prevent unfair scenarios.
It cycles through the following attacks consecutively:
Brimflame Fireball
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas holds its hands above its head and conjures a massive Brimflame Fireball which shoots out radial waves of accelerating flame bolts.
- The number of flame bolts shot out is directly proportionate to the distance between the player and the Brimflame Fireball. This is also indicated by the player being lit on fire and emitting thick smoke if they move too far away during the attack.
- 6 seconds later, the Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas throws the Brimflame Fireball downwards, causing it to explode and bring down a triangular wave of Brimstone Meteors.
- The Hex of Accentuation will not be applied on the player during this attack in favor of the Hex of Zeal to prevent unreactable hits.
Converging Energy
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas holds out the Lashes of Chaos book and after 0.5 seconds, summons in a 7-armed spiral of converging Shadow Energies.
- It also surrounds itself with a bright red aura that inflicts the player with the Madness debuff if they try to exit it.
- After 4 seconds, the book explodes into two large rings of darts with opposite rotations as the red aura dissipates.
Shield Charges
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas transforms its magical barrier into a skull and moves to the side of the player in preparation to ram them.
- It performs a short accelerated charge at the player before stopping and redirecting itself immediately.
- Every time it stops, it releases a radial outward burst of 19 flames.
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas raises its wand and channels a bolt of lightning into it. It begins attacking the player immediately after.
- It waves its wand, firing approximately 25 accelerating flames at the player.
- Each wave lasts for 1.25 seconds with a short delay in between.
- Two waves of flames are fired before the Shadow of Calamitas throws the wand itself at the player.
- The wand is telegraphed by a collapsing red aura before it explodes into a circular burst of flames.
Soul Seeker Resurrection
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas holds out Entropy's Vigil and summons 6 Indignant Soul Seekers around the player.
- The Soul Seekers rotate clockwise about the player, each of them firing a flame at the player's position every 0.5 seconds.
- The Soul Seekers fly away after approximately 5.5 seconds.
Flame Beam
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas aims the Entropy's Vigil staff at the player, telegraphed by a faint red line.
- After a moment, it fires a flame beam which tracks the player.
- The beam briefly doesn't deal damage at the start of its casting, allowing the player to potentially escape getting hit by it.
Shadowed Teleports
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas collapses into shadowy mist, and begins teleporting around the player in a clockwise manner.
- Every time it teleports, it fires a spread of 12 flames at them before vanishing again.
- It teleports 6 times before moving on to the next attack.
Forgotten Shadow of CalamitasPhase Three
Life | 15,250 / 76,250 (total) |
KB resist | 100% |
Map icon
Once the boss reaches 20% (15,250) health, the screen goes dark for a brief moment as the Shadow of Calamitas laughs. It then reappears with a bright red tint applied to its shield and an enraged eye glow. The boss no longer applies any hexes on the player during the final phase.
The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas cycles through the following attacks consecutively:
Arcing Dart Barrage
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas fires a massive moving 13-armed spiral of Brimstone Darts outwards from itself for 1.5 seconds before immediately transitioning to the next attack.
Fire Dashes
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas aligns near the player and charges, leaving behind a lingering fiery trail.
- The trail detonates behind her into a convergence of flames at the player's position.
- The boss moves on to the next attack after performing 4 Fire Dashes.
Rising Brimstone Firebursts
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas hovers by the side of the player and shoots 3 Brimstone Fireballs at them.
- Each of the Brimstone Fireballs explodes into a tracking Brimstone Flare and 2 concentric hexagons of flames which explode radially outwards.
- This attack is repeated thrice before moving on to the next one.
Hex Mechanics
Calamitas' Shadow inflicts the player with hexes throughout the fight which have various effects on the player. The color of the ring which appears around the player along with the symbol that appears above them when the debuff is inflicted corresponds to a specific hex.
Hex | Name | Tooltip | Color |
Hex of Accentuation | Your opponent's magic attracts to you | Orange | |
Hex of Catharsis | Natural life regeneration is disabled and angry spirits are released from within you | Pink | |
Hex of Indignation | You are haunted by a soul seeker | Red | |
Hex of Weakness | Your defense and damage reduction is significantly weakened | Yellow | |
Hex of Zeal | Your opponent's magic accelerates wildly | Green |
- The Bandit will begin selling the Deep Wounder.
- If Plantera has not already been defeated, Vampires, Reapers and Psychos will begin dropping Solar Veils.
Post-apocalyptic• "The witch's sins could never be fully atoned"
Defeat the Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas in the underworld
V • D • E • P
Enemies and Creatures
- King Slime
- Desert Scourge
- Eye of Cthulhu
- Crabulon
- Eater of Worlds
- Brain of Cthulhu
- The Hive Mind
- The Perforators
- Queen Bee
- Deerclops
- Skeletron
- The Slime God
- Wall of Flesh
- Dreadnautilus
- Queen Slime
- Cryogen
- The Twins
- Aquatic Scourge
- The Destroyer
- Brimstone Elemental
- Skeletron Prime
- The Forgotten Shadow of Calamitas
- Plantera
- Leviathan and Anahita
- Astrum Aureus
- Golem
- The Plaguebringer Goliath
- Duke Fishron
- Empress of Light
- Ravager
- Lunatic Cultist
- Bereft Vassal
- Astrum Deus
- Moon Lord
Post-Moon Lord
- Profaned Guardians
- Dragonfolly
- Providence, the Profaned Goddess
- Storm Weaver
- Ceaseless Void
- Signus, Envoy of the Devourer
- Polterghast
- The Old Duke
- The Devourer of Gods
- Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth
- Primordial Wyrm
- Exo Mechs
- Supreme Witch, Calamitas
Other NPCs
- Giant Clam
- Dark Mage
- Biome Mimics
- Sand Elemental
- Cloud Elemental
- Ogre
- Betsy
- Eidolist
- Colossal Squid
- Eidolon Wyrm
- Reaper Shark
- Nuclear Terror
- Lionfish
- Moray Eel
- Box Jellyfish
- Toxic Minnow
- Oarfish
- Gulper Eel
- Devil Fish
- Bobbit Worm
- Depth Feeder
- Herring
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